Klarion Call I garden wind harp
We are intrinsically connected to the wind for it is an omnipresent attribute of the atmosphere that sustains us. The wind (breath) is the fluidium of energy flux within our material existence that connects us to all life.
The “Unified Field Theory” states that everything is connected on a vibrational or energetic level and the wind functions as a dynamic medium of energy transfer that is always seeking balance and harmony within our planetary and human ecosystem.
The Wind Harp plays a part of this whole and functions as an aesthetic portal of expression or channel for this fluidium. The wind harp acts as a receiver and a transmitter of the vibration of the wind for it transforms the energy of the wind into audible harmonic sound. The wind is important as it relates to our enjoyment of the fruits of this earthly existence, such as art and music.
The Wind harp functions as a unifying principle through the synergy of the art and music of the natural world. The wind picks up and we know that there is change on the way The Winds of Change, The Answer my Friend is Blowin’ in the Wind.
Wind is all about change. It’s all about shifts in the pressure gradient which changes the weather. It’s a direct effect of the rotation of the earth that ultimately generates the spin that drives the vortex action of every weather system. Wind carries the vibration of change, and there is no weather change without the wind . This can manifest in a multitude of ways and the sound of the wind harp consequently will express itself in multifarious ways.
The wind lets us know something is shifting, it lets us know something is going to happen. Throughout the centuries people knew that the wind predicted the future and it was perceived as an ORACLE. It told a story in an unspoken but audible language, for “those who had ears to hear,” using the medium of harmonic sound. “
“The highest aim of our music is to reveal the essence of the universe it reflects.” – Ravi Shankar